Flora of Maritime Alps - Homepage  FLORA OF MARITIME ALPS 
Complete botanical and up-to-date catalogue of flowers and plants of Maritime Alps
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Flowers and plants of Maritime Alps Mentioning Maritime Alps, today we usually mean a very narrow territory included between the Colle di Tenda (Col de Tende) and the Colle della Maddalena (Col de Larche).
Here I chose to mean them in a larger way, including not only Ligurian Alps to the line Albenga-Val Tanaro, but also secondary French massives to the Esterel. The map shown down can better clear up.
I leave other to judge the validity of this extension. It is a choice suggested by the botanist who dedicated, with his collaborators, 40 years of researches to the Maritime Alps meant in this way: E. Burnat. His Flore des Alpes Maritimes and his herbarium, as long as a century are still a fundamental reference.
This work is infinitely more unpretentious and without any claim of completeness, moreover unattanaible. It wants just to be an attempt to offer, into the database meagre and concise form, however enriched by pictures, a comprehensive view of the Maritime Alps flora.

For a better comprehension it's worthwhile to consider the following notes.

Important notes
  • Utilized nomenclature, data about "tipo Corologico" (Origin) and biological form, are extracted from S.Pignatti, R.Guarino and M.La Rosa, Flora d'Italia 2017-2019; I also considered, partially, J.-M.Tison, Ph.Sauzein and H.Michaud, Flore de la France méditerranéenne, 2014.
  • Usually hybrids haven't been inserted, with few exception
  • For cultivated plants the choice is completely opinable: I considered the diffusion of coltivations but also the landscape effect of less widespread beings.
  • The presence of beings followed by asterisk (*) have been verified by the writer. For the others I trusted the signalizings mentioned in literature, also unrecent. Advices adducing reasons for cancellations, additions, corrections will be welcomed.
  • All the pictures are of the undersigned.
Giorgio Pellegrino

Maritime Alps Map Italy

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